Pet Friendly + Pet Loving Design

We'll admit it, our pets are our fur-babies. We love them, and our adoration is returned tenfold, especially when a new treat comes into play. For some especially devoted pet lovers buying a new chew toy or sweater set just isn't enough. They're taking the initiative and transfering their pet loving lifestyle into their home's style. 

Dogs love to find random niches in your home to curl up in, why not outfit one especially for them? 

Dogs love to find random niches in your home to curl up in, why not outfit one especially for them? 

You could customize your wash room for an easy (or at least easier) clean-up. 

You could customize your wash room for an easy (or at least easier) clean-up. 

Cats are forever finding new adventures in bookcases and rafters. Companies like 'The Vertical Cat' have created customized cat structures to place in your home. 

Cats are forever finding new adventures in bookcases and rafters. Companies like 'The Vertical Cat' have created customized cat structures to place in your home. 

Our pets are forever becoming entangled under our feet in the kitchen, might as well give in and make them their very own kitchen nook. 

Our pets are forever becoming entangled under our feet in the kitchen, might as well give in and make them their very own kitchen nook. 

Or try it out yourself with some awesome wooden shelving. 

Or try it out yourself with some awesome wooden shelving. 

There are tons of ways to include your pet in the design of your home and even more smaller DIY's that can be a fun way to showcase your fur-baby.  See a few of our favorites in the gallery below. 

You can up-cycle things like pallets, drawers and even dressers to make them awesome places for your pet. 

But what about the less common (at least in Southern California) creatures we share our homes with? Don't worry, we've got some awesome ways to make them feel like they're king of the coop (pun intended). Click through the gallery to see some awesome coop-spiration.

Cats, Dogs, Chickens, we love them all, and we hope this post inspires you to take your creature loving ways to a whole new level.  




For more awesome Chicken Coops and to see more about the ones featured in this post visit,, and . 

To see more about the pet bed DIY's featured in this post visit, and